Thursday, August 3, 2017

Activities: 2012-13

Departmental Activities of the year 2012-13

            1. A guest lecture was arranged on “ Creativity and innovation” and also on “Renewable energy Sources and their importance” by Dr.Anumakonda Jagadeesh, Director,  Nayudamma Centre for Development Alternatives, India, 2/210 First Floor  Nawabpet, NELLORE 524 002, Andhra Pradesh, India, on 9th July, 2012.
Dr.Anumakonda Jagadeesh, Director,  Nayudamma Centre for Development Alternatives, India

1.     2. Guest lecture 
   A guest lecture was arranged on “Characterization and measurement techniques of Ultrasonics” by Dr.Ch Srinivasu, Department of Physics, Andhra Loyola College, Vijayawada on 24th August, 2012.

               Dr.Ch Srinivasu, Department of Physics, Andhra Loyola College

 3. Guest lecture 
A. guest lecture was arranged on “Electron Microscope” by Prof G.Gnanamani, Dean, Academic Affairs Andhra University on 27th August, 2012. Students of  Zoology Dept and  final B.Sc(M.P.C)  attended.

                                      Prof.Sri.G.Gnanamani, Dean, Academic Affairs Andhra University 

 4. Guest lecture 
 A guest lecture was arranged on “Characterization and measurement techniques of Ultrasonics” by Dr.Ch Srinivasu, Department of Physics, Andhra Loyola College, Vijayawada on 30th August, 2012.

 5. Guest lecture  
A guest lecture was arranged on “Fibre Optics Communication” by Dr.K.Krishna Murthy, H.O.D, Department of Physics,P.G, P.B. Siddhartha Arts & Science College, Vijayawada on 4th September, 2012 for II B.Sc(MPC & COMP) by Dept. Of Electronics.
              Dr.K.Krishna Murthy, P.G, P.B. Siddhartha Arts & Science College. Vijayawada
         6. Guest lecture
    A guest lecture was arranged on “Physics of thin films and Nano materials” by Dr.K.Sinivasa   Rao, Department of Physics, P.B. Siddhartha Arts & Science College, Vijayawada on 7th September, 2012 for II B.Sc(MPC & COMP). In his lecture he explained various techniques involved in synthesis and characterization of Thin films .He also enlightened the students about prospective future applications in areas like Renewable energy, Bio-sensors, Fuel cells, Health care etc. Latter he focused on nanomaterials and their applications in everyday life, finally he touched upon the career possibilities for final year students in Thin film technology and nanotechnology and pursuit of research in these areas and become great contributors in the field of innovation and work towards betterment of the society.

                 7. An Exhibition
 An Exhibition on “ Sustainable Energy” was organized in collaboration with NEDCAP on 27th & 28th September, 2012 to commemorate the International year of Sustainable energy on during the Tourism day celebration in Maris Stella campus.
In order to stress the need of energy efficiency and renewable energy which are considered to be two pillars of sustainable energy that meets the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generations, the exhibits   based on LED technology and solar energy were displayed. These included solar water heater, solar generator, solar cooker, solar inverter, solar street lights, solar fans, solar emergency lights, solar torch and also various devices containing LEDs like lamps for interior and outdoor lighting and also signal lights, which are useful for domestic as well as industrial purposes. Our students showed the viewers some experiments based on these concepts and explained how these technologies are useful to save money, to reduce power consumption, to reduce pollution, and to enhance the durability of the equipment with low maintenance.

  8. Guest lecture 
A guest lecture on “Applications of Ultrasonics in medicine and Under water acoustics” by Sri. P.V.S. Sairam, Department of Physics, Andhra Loyola College, vijayawada on 1st october, 2012. In his talk he explained how Ultrasonics is being used in various branches for testing purposes in non destructive manner, also highlighted its applications in under water acoustics especially in determining the depth, locating obstacles, fishes, minerals etc by showing animated videos and clippings.

9. Industrial visit to Prathap Industries

9.An industrial visit by III B.Sc. Computer Science students  on 11th October, 2012, to Prathap industries, Enekepadu, Vijayawada where Ultrasonic testing and magnetic particle testing techniques were explained to students.

  10. Guest lecture    
   On 20th Nov’12  Mr.Y.Gandhi of K.V.R college Nandigama, addressed II and III Bsc students on “E-learning services enhancing the understanding physics” during morning session 8.30 to 10.30 Am in A.V room.

   Dr.Y.Gandhi of K.V.R college Nandigama

11. A work shop on "Thin Films"
           On 21st Dec’12 six students from IIIB.Sc(MPC) and three from IIB.Sc(MPC) attended a mini work shop on Deposition  of Thin Films and calculation of Optical parameters by  Dr .K.Srinivasu Rao ,Reader in Physics, PG Centre, P.B. Siddhartha College of Arts and Science. 

Dr .K.Srinivasu Rao, Reader in Physics, P.B. Siddhartha College of Arts and Science

12. An interactive Session
On 28th Dec’12 two students of IIIB.Sc( MPC) Ms Shad Aarti and Y.Sravani along with                    Mrs A Kasturi attended an interactive session with Mr Tirumala Rao, Scientist ,CAT(Centre for       Advanced Technologies, Indore)at PG Centre, P.B. Siddhartha College of Arts and Science, Vijayawada.

Mr Tirumala Rao  Scientist ,CAT(Centre for Advanced Technologies)  

13. Teaching was done using smart class room for all the degree students by the lecturers during  Jan and Feb of 2013 from the department.
14.On 6th Dec2012 ,fifteen students from 1st and 2nd B.Sc attended science exhibition at Gora science centre .
15. On 12th Dec2012 II Bsc students attended a guest lecture on “Career guidance”  by Dr Mr Ravichandra Babu, Associate Proffessor, Githam University, Vizag, arranged by chemistry Dept, Maris Stella college, Vijayawada.

Staff activities for the year 2012-2013
Name: Mrs .A .Kasturi
Lecturer in Physics, Maris Stella College, Vijayawada.
1.      Attended AP National Science Congress in ANU on 14th 15th &16th of Nov’12.

2.      Attended a National Seminar at K.B.N. College on “Climate change- A challenge to sustainable development ” and presented a paper titled “ Role of Carbon credits in reducing industrial pollution” on 29th Nov’12
3.      Attended a National Seminar at Andhra Loyola College on Recent Trends in             Nano Biotechnology in Protection of health and environment” and presented a paper on “Nanotechnology in purification of water” on 30th Nov -1st Dec’12.
4.      Contributed a article to the proceedings of National Conference on “Education- A Powerful Means of Women’s Empowerment and National Development” in Montessori Mahila Kalasala ,Vijayawada held on 8th &9th Dec’12 titled “Women’s Economic Empowerment and Strategies”
5.      Attended a National Seminar at SCW Degree College on “Dwindling Natural Resources-Concerns And Strategies for Ecological Restoration”    and presented a paper titled          “Solar Energy in India- An Overview” on 14 and 15th Dec’12.

6.      Attended a two day UGC sponsored national seminar on 1st and 2nd Feb’13 on “25 Years of Autonomy: Experiences, Reality and Vision” and presented a paper on “Progress of autonomous colleges towards students career building”.

    7.      Attended a National seminar on “Stress management at work place” at V.R. Siddhartha Engg. College on 20th April 2013 and presented a paper tittled “Team Building- An effective Technique in Stress management at work place” with ISBN:978-81-923134-0-1

     8.      Published a paper titled Structural Stoichiometry and Phase Transitions of MoOThin    Films for Solid State Microbatteries Res. J. Rec. Sci., 2(1) (2013)  ISSN 2277-2502

9.  Published a paper titled Polymer Electrolyte for Fuel cells – An Overview in International Journal of Luminescence and Applications, Vol.32 (Special issue-III) March 2013 with
ISSN : 2277-6362.

10.Communicated a paper titled “ Insight into Nanotechnology and Applications of   Nanomaterials”

11.Communicated a paper titledSustainable and Renewable Energy Resources - Alternative       Forms of Energy”.                                                                                                                        

Name: Mrs .M. Triveni
Lecturer in Physics, Maris Stella College,Vijayawada.        
1.    Attended AP National Science Congress in ANU during 14th 15th &16th of Nov’12 .

2.      Attented a National Seminar on Mathematical Modelling in Physical Sciences at St Theresa’s College for women at Eluru on 17th Nov’12 .
3.     Attended a two day UGC sponsored National seminar on 6th and 7th March’13 on “Multi Functional Materials”.

Name: Mrs.  G. Little flower
Lecturer in Physics, Maris Stella College,Vijayawada
1.              Attended UGC sponsored National at BARC and presented a titled Fluorescence features of Samarium ion in Pbo-B2O3-SiO2-Al2O3 glass system and won the  best poster award in glass and glass ceramics section on 10th 11th &12th  Oct 2012.
2.      Attended AP National Science Congress in ANU & presented a paper on Influence of modifier oxides on spectroscopic features of Nd3+ and Sm3+ ions in Antimony Borate glass system On 14th 15th &16th of Nov’12.
3.       Attended a National Seminar on Mathematical Modelling in Physical Sciences at St Theresa’s College for women at Eluru and presented a paper titled “Role of Moonbows in weather prediction and its mathematical modelling in physical sciences” On 17th Nov’12.
4.    Attended a National Seminar at Andhra Loyola College on Recent Trends in Nano Biotechnology in Protection of health and environment” & presented a paper on “Bioinspired self cleaning nanosurfaces On 30th Nov &1st Dec’12.
5.              Attended a Two day National seminar on “Multifunctional Materials” sponsored by UGC and organized by Department of Physics, at Andhra Loyola College, Vijayawada on 6th and 7th March, 2013 and presented a Paper on “Characterization of Architectural tinted glasses by Non-destructive Ultrasonic Techniques” which was published in International Journal of Luminescence and Applications, Vol.32 (Special issue-III) March 2013 with ISSN : 2277-6362.
6.              Attended as a subject expert towards question paper validation under “Physics Examination Reforms” at P.B.Siddharta College of Arts and Science, Vijayawada-10, on 15th March, 2013.
7.               Participated in the UGC Sponsored National Workshop on “Retraining of Faculty in e-Content Development” organized by the Departments of Physics & Mathematics of Andhra Loyola College, Vijayawada from  18th to 23rd  March, 2013.
8.              Attended The Xavier Board meeting at Mysore during 28th, 29th &30th of April 2013.
9.              Participated in the XXI Triennial Convention of The Xavier Board of Higher Education in India, hoosted by St.Philomina’s College (Autonomous), Mysore, from 27th to 30th April, 2013.
10.          Published a paper on “ Fluorescence Features of Samarium Ion in PbO- B2O3-SiO2-Al2O3 Glass system” in Trans.Ind.Ceram.Soc; Vol 72, no.1, pp 1-5 (2013).
ISSN   0371-750X(Print), ISSN  2165-5456(online)
http:// / 10.1080/0371750X. 2013.772741

Name: Mrs .T .Grace Eunice.
Lecturer in Physics,Maris Stella College, Vijayawada.
·         Attended national seminar on “Energy  Conservation-Energy Audit-Energy efficiency” at St.Theresa’s College for Women  at Eluru on 15th and 16th Feb 2013.

Name: Mrs .R. Sara Kumari.                                                      
Lecturer in Physics,Maris Stella College, Vijayawada.
  • On  4th Dec,2012 Mrs R.Sara kumari attended a  guest lecture on  “Thoughts and reflections on sustainable solution to the energy crisis” by Neeraj Jain, Founder member of Lokayat,Pune( Author of Nuclear Energy: Technology from Hell) Vimochana- A Student forum for a better

Student activities for the year 2012-2013
1.       On 21st Dec’12 six students from IIIB.Sc(MPC) and three from IIB.Sc(MPC) attended a mini work shop on Deposition  of Thin Films and calculation of Optical parameters by  Dr .K.Srinivasu Rao ,Reader in Physics, PG Centre, P.B. Siddhartha College of Arts and Science.
2.       On 5th and 6th Dec2012, four students Keerthi,Y.sravani, S.V.L saraswati, M.Deborah are sent to Andhra Loyola College Alpha, an intercollegiate state level competition and won third prize in quiz.
3.      On 15th and 16th Feb2013, Mrs Grace Eunice accompanied two students of II Bsc(MPC) N.Ooha Rani and S.V.L saraswati to the National Seminar on “Energy Conservation-Energy Audit-Energy Efficiency”at St.Theresa’s College for women, Eluru and the students presented a paper titled “Efficiency of various light sources in  comparision with Solid State Lighting Sources”.
4.      On 4th Dec,2012 three of II(MPC) students S.V.L saraswati, M.Deborah,T.kalyani and Mrs R.Sara kumari attended a  guest lecture on  “Thoughts and reflections on sustainable solution to the energy crisis” by Neeraj Jain, Founder member of Lokayat,Pune( Author of Nuclear Energy: Technology from Hell) Vimochana- A Student forum for a better

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